Monday, 15 June 2020, part 1
Good morning from Tokyo. It’s a hazy sky. Cold since last night. But today’s forecast is scary, sunny and terrible hot. Difference in temperature from yesterday is 10 degrees. Some areas in Kanto will reach over 35°C.
New infections were reported 76 people across the country yesterday. Tokyo 47, including the cluster at the hospital and at one “Host Club” in Shinjuku. I can’t explain the “Host Club”. Because I’ve only seen it on TV. You can read about it on Wikipedia. If you are a CSI fan, remember Ep14 of S7, “Meet Market”. The place Sara Sidle visited for her investigation was the first “Host Club” in Vegas that got the idea from Tokyo.
I think this post is going to be a little long.
So, I’ll divide this morning’s post into 2 parts.
Please read the next post about the music.