Diary, 1-10 October 2023
Good morning from Tokyo 😊
1 October 2023
It’s the start of October. I’m going to a Schumann concert 🎻 today. Hopefully it won’t be too hot.
Have a beautiful Sunday! 😄
Long life and prosperity🖖
2 October 2023
The air in Tokyo has been changed to autumn’s. Something is different this morning from yesterday. Goodbye, unusually hot days over the last three months! 🎉 🎊
Thanks, crisp Monday!
Long life and prosperity🖖
3 October 2023
I fully enjoy the fresh, cool autumn air in the early morning.
Autumn is my favourite time in the year, so I’m very happy.
Long life and prosperity🖖
4 October 2023
Grey morning. Light rain fell at midnight.
Today, 4th October, is the 41st anniversary of Glenn Gould’s death.
Long life and prosperity🖖
5 October 2023
Until last week, I couldn’t sleep without air conditioning. Yesterday, even in the daytime, the temperature never exceeded 20 °C. During the night it got cold and kept in the 17°C range. It’s hard for me suddenly becoming cold.
With the cool weather, the bugs and snakes probably gone from the park. I think it’s time to scout the autumn progress in the park 🍂🍁😊
Long life and prosperity🖖
6 October 2023
Moon viewing in the early morning. The top of Mt Fuji from my house is capped with snow.
Probably I can only enjoy autumn for a short time, this year after too long summer. Hopefully my favourite autumn will stay for longer.
Long life and prosperity🖖
7 October 2023
Very interesting clouds in the sky this morning.
Have a beautiful weekend!
Long life and prosperity🖖
8 October 2023
It is a Sunday morning after waking up late. In Japan, the middle of the three-day weekend. Little chilly, but comfortable so I’m happy.
Have a great Sunday!
Long life and prosperity🖖
9 October 2023
Dark, grey sky. Very cold Monday morning.
Hard to believe that until two weeks ago temperatures were over 30°C for three months.
It’s the last day of a three-day weekend in Japan.
Have a nice day!
Long life and prosperity🖖
10 October 2023
In the Showa era (the days of the present Emperor’s grandfather), the Tokyo Olympics took place in October because it was the time of year for clear weather. On this day in 1964, the opening ceremony of the XVIII Summer Olympics was held.
Today, 10 October 2023, there is no blue sky here. And it’s very cold. Is this really the same Tokyo, the same Earth?
Have a good day!
Long life and prosperity🖖