Thursday, 14 May 2020
Good morning from Tokyo under the state of emergency.
It’s the DAY 38 since the state of emergency was announced in Tokyo. In Japan we expect that the state of emergency will be lifted in 39 prefectures today, excluding metropolitan areas including Tokyo. Tokyo will be under the state of emergency at least until the end of May.
In Yamagata, Tohoku region, a small group of the Yamagata Symphony Orchestra members will play in the no-audience concert today for the opening ceremony of new hall. I think this is the first “orchestra concert” since the state of emergency was declared in Japan.
Yamagata is a very beautiful and nice place. The photos from No. 3 to No. 7 in this post are my photos when I went to listen to the Yamagata Symphony Orchestra in 2016.
Have a nice day. Stay safe and healthy 😊😷🖖🌿🌿🌿🎻🎻🎻🎻
14 May 2020 #tokyo #japan