Diary, 1-10 November 2023
Good morning from Tokyo 😊
1 November 2023
Wednesday morning. November has started.
The sky is crystal clear and blue.
Later this week the temperatures are expected to get above 25-26 °C.
(Normally, these temperatures are around September.)
Have a nice day!
Long life and prosperity🖖
2 November 2023
It’s Thursday morning. Tomorrow starts a three-day weekend, so today is like Friday. Today’s high temperatures are expected to be a summer day all over Japan. It might be a little hot to take a walk. Where has autumn gone?
Have a nice day!
Long life and prosperity🖖
3 November 2023
It’s Friday morning. Today is a public holiday (Culture Day) in Japan. Forecast is for an unseasonal summer day. The low humidity makes me very comfortable. I’m going to listen to music, and sometimes study Spanish today.
Have a beautiful day!
Long life and prosperity🖖
4 November 2023
It’s Saturday morning. Japan is in the 2nd day of the three-day holiday weekend. Thanks to low humidity, it’s comfortable. But, it’s almost like summer. Unbelievable now is November!
As yesterday, today I’m going to listen to music, and sometimes study Spanish. (I’m a very beginner in Spanish.)
Have a great weekend!
Long life and prosperity🖖
5 November 2023
It’s Sunday morning. The last day of a three-day weekend. Today is also expected to be an unseasonably warm day, although not as hot as yesterday. Too different from usual. Am I really on the earth as I know it?
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Long life and prosperity🖖
6 November 2023
It’s Monday morning. Little rain last night. Cloudy this morning, but so warm that I’ve forgotten now is November.
Have a good start of the week!
Long life and prosperity🖖
7 November 2023
It’s Tuesday morning.
Look like the ink wash paintings, but these are colour photos.
Yesterday was very hot, almost early summer. Extremely strong and warm wind like a typhoon have been blowing since midnight. Usually this time is for winter preparation. Unbelievable.
Have a nice day!
Long life and prosperity🖖
The first photo links to the 5 second MP4 video.
8 November 2023
It’s Wednesday morning.
Today is 立冬 (Ritto, the first day of winter). But far from the start of winter. On the contrary, yesterday Tokyo recorded its highest temperature in November in 100 years. It was summer.
Have a nice day!
Long life and prosperity🖖
9 November 2023
It’s Thursday morning.
Finally I enjoyed nice autumnal day yesterday. But many trees haven’t yet put on their autumn clothes. Winter is expected to come quickly this weekend. Too short my favourite autumn!
Have a nice day!
Long life and prosperity🖖
10 November 2023
It’s Friday morning.
The forecast is for a light rain today. It’s still warm. Would like to enjoy this calm and peaceful autumn time for a while longer. (But I hope the sky will be sunny.)
Have a good day!
Long life and prosperity🖖