Saturday, 1 October 2022 – Mitsuko Uchida will come (back) to Japan in November
Mitsuko Uchida will come (back) to Japan in November.
She will play Beethoven’s Concerto No. 5 with the Boston Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Andris Nelsons in Tokyo and Osaka.
And also 4 Lied recitals are upcoming in Tokyo, Mito and Nagoya, with Mark Padmore who is my favourite British singer. They will perform Schubert and Beethoven.
#MitsukoUchida #内田光子
#MarkPadmore #マークパドモア
#Schubert #Beethoven
#シューベルト #ベートーヴェン
#TokyoOperaCity #東京オペラシティ
#ArtTowerMito #水戸芸術館
#ShirakawaHall #しらかわホール (Nagoya)